The Board

Clayton Memorial Unitarian Universalist Church is a participatory democracy.  We have a governing Board and hold at least annual congregational meetings to handle the business of the church.

Current Board members are:

  • Marla Castillo, Chair — presides at meetings of the Board and the congregation;
  • LeRahna Hughes, Minister — serves in the absence of the Chair.  The Minister also serves as ex-officio member of all committees;
  • Marsha DeRosier, Secretary/Treasurer — provides notice to active members of all meetings,  records the minutes of all meetings of the Board and congregation, provides a draft of the minutes to members within two weeks, and maintains current Church records; maintains the financial records of the church following the church Bylaws and Financial Guidelines;
  • Ashley Longhouser, Member-at-Large — serves as a voting voice of the congregation on the Board.
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